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ProcellaCOR Meeting Followup Info.

Council Member Jack Glenn thanks everyone for attending the Friday July 21st meeting on the proposed use of of the herbicide ProcellaCOR in East and West Caroga Lakes.  This was the first meeting to get information out to the public and to get input from the public.  Those in attendance voiced concerns and  support was heard about an alternate remedy to remediate the increasing amounts of the invasive Eurasian Milfoil which is found in both lakes.  Future meetings will be held.  Links will be posted  under the  Invasive Species/Weed Harvesting/Boat Wash Station section of this website containing information and studies on ProcellaCOR.

ProcellaCOR CT DPH (1)

ProcellaCOR EC DEC registration decision

Washington State Aquatic Plant and Algae Management – ProcellaCOR EIS