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Planning Board
Town of Caroga
PO Box 328
Caroga Lake NY 12032

June 7, 2021

Scott Henze
Planning Director
Fulton County Planning Department
1 East Montgomery Street
Johnstown NY 12095

Re: Application for § 239-m review for Jeff Houck, Pine Lake Resort Village, State Highway 10, Town of Caroga, Fulton County

Dear Scott,

Attached is the Town of Caroga Planning Board application for § 239-m review for the expansion of Pine Lake Resort Village, State Highway 10, Town of Caroga. This application for § 239-m review is for a Special Use Permit.

This project (application P2021-03 http://TownOfCaroga.com/apa/p2021-03_houck/) involves the addition of 24 recreational vehicle sites. The parcels are 38.-1-9.2 and part of 38.-1-11 in Caroga HC-1 zoning district, APA Low Intensity Use land use area classification.

You have previously kindly allowed that Fulton County Planning could pull the electronic files off our website as needed in lieu of my bundling those files and attaching them to an email.

Please kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.

Regards, James

James McMartin Long
Town Board Member
Planning Board Clerk
Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk
Board of Assessment Review Clerk
Town of Caroga
PO Box 328
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
(518)835-3734 (home)

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2022